Unlock the potential of your brand

Modern logo

For a modern, colorful and dynamic image

Color selection

Force of the symbol

Information provided

The strategy

The square has angles, which means that it is very organized. This is important to show credibility, it gives confidence and supports customers. Curved lines are softer and will give a set of values more “feminine”, useful to sell products that fit this character.
The colors have a huge impact on our emotions, the combination of colors brings more:
The selection of shades and mixing of colors is the key to creating modern logos, the impact of colors on our emotional system can completely change the perception we have of a brand.

The creation of your logo


  • Analysis of your company profile by marketing experts
  • Creation of 2 initial concepts by graphic designers or artists
  •  Selection of the concept, and request for modifications.
  • Proposal of a final version.
  • 2 revisions for 100% satisfaction.
  • Delivery of the final version which includes: source file, logo transparency, high resolution

Some figures

Logos Created

Graphic design partners

Free revisions


Customer satisfaction

Go further: Customized graphic charter

– Wordmark logo design (3 concepts) – png, svg, open source file.
– Favicon & instagram logo format
– Logo do’s and don’ts
– Colors
– Hierarchy of colors
– Selection of fonts
– Font display
– Design of the instagram grid and the layout of the stories (6 images, 3 stories)
– Design of business cards
– Design of the header
– printable brand book 17+ pages

Other styles for you

Click for more examples

Luxury logos

Black and White, Image, Class

Digital logo

Technological credibility

Logo vintage

Authenticity, Nature, Tradition